Project planning and reporting using Power BI
Are projects the core of your business? You have many simultaneously ongoing internal or customer-facing projects running in parallel. Then you need to have full control of the project life-cycle both from a financial and a risk-management perspective.
Power BI with Aimplan can simplify project financial planning and reporting. Fast collect up-to-date project forecasts direct from project leaders and team members. Compare current projects costs projection with previous forecasts or the initial project budget. Measure hours, material and other key drivers. Integrated with your ERP and other project planning systems.

Project budgeting and approval

In the initial phase of a project, or even before a project is started - there is a need to define the project, the scope, and the major activities. Part of this early phase is also to estimate and get the approval of the work, time, material and expenses needed to complete the project. With Aimplan projects in the project portfolio can be defined, estimated and approved direct within Power BI.
Simplify project forecasting and reporting
Project reporting is not only reporting on actuals. Instead, it's about combining actuals with the current updated view on time and costs moving forward in the project.
Power BI with Aimplan makes it possible to combine actuals from your ERP system and time-reporting system, with updated cost, time and estimates from project leaders and project members.
Using Power BI with Aimplan you will save time and get an automated process. But more importantly you will get a more accurate and up-to-date view of your full project portfolio.

Optimize capacity utilization across projects
In consulting, construction and many other types of project-oriented business, managing resource capacity utilization across projects is critical. This is also true for more internal central 'project offices' coordinating resources between internal projects.
Using Power BI and Aimplan you can compare resources available vs. projected resource utilization direct in Power BI. Play different scenarios and move resources between projects to see the impact. Optimize how you use your scarce resources between projects.
Integrated with your project management software
Aimplan and Power BI will not replace MS Project, Asana, or other project management tools that you might have in place. Nore will it replace the project accounting module within your ERP system. Instead, Power BI and Aimplan integrate with these tools and provide the perfect project financial forecasting and reporting solution on top of these data sources.

Features highlights
Highly configurable Power BI data entry grid

The key to a great user experience is the Aimplan Power BI custom visuals making it possible to truly configure data entry templates. The entry forms are feature-rich with live calculation formulas, supporting copy-and-paste, export to excel, print and much more.
Reuse your Power BI datasets

You can reuse the structures and data in your existing Power BI datasets. Why build new integration to source systems if you already have the data in Power BI? Reuse your dimensions and fact tables. Perform any transformation needed for your planning models within Power BI.
Scenario modeling

Fast configure new forecasting scenarios based on actuals in combination with previously created planning scenarios. The solution support 'time-transform', i.e. when creating the plan for future periods, the system can copy previous scenario but move data forward in time.